A perfect shipping hub within a one-day drive of 2/3 of the population of the United States, Henderson County has a variety of shipping options available. The convergence of rivers, railways, airlines and highways makes Northwest Kentucky a central location for logistics and planning. With CSX rail service, barges on the Ohio, Green, and Tradewater Rivers, and several airports both regional and international, it’s never been easier to have the world at your doorstep.
Our Logistics & Distribution Companies
Skills Training Pipeline

Henderson Community College
Henderson Community College (HCC) prepares students to enter into the logistics and distribution industry through their Business Administration and Computer and Information Sciences degree programs.

West Kentucky Community And Technical College
West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) offers a Logistics and Operational Management pathway that builds the critical skills students need to achieve certification in this field. Certificates offered are International Logistics, Logistics Management, Logistics Technology and Supply Chain Management. Students can further pursue this field by completing an Associate of Applied Science in Logistics and Operations Management degree.

Murray State University
Murray State University Henderson Regional Campus offers degree programs related to this sector in Business Administration and Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Ivy Tech
At Ivy Tech, students have the opportunity to start a logistics career by studying the technologies and systems used to track goods efficiently and keep the economy moving. Students are prepared to enter the workforce with skills the manufacturing, warehousing and transportation industries require.
In this pathway, students can choose from various forms of Supply Chain Management.